Chaplet of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
This Chaplet has a Medal of the Virgin Mary, 3 separate beads and then Example: 1 set of 12 beads. Medal + 1 + 1 + 1 / 12.
Beginning at the medal, say the following prayer:
"Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel,
Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven,
Blessed Mother of the Son of God,
Immaculate Virgin,
assist me in this my necessity.
O Star of the Sea,
help me and show me herein
that you are my Mother."
"Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Queen of Heaven and Earth,
I humbly beseech you
from the bottom of my heart,
to succor me in this necessity;
there are none that can withstand your power."
On the first three beads, you say
1 "Our Father,"
1 "Hail Mary", and
1 "Glory be."
The intentions of these three beads are for those who minister in the Church, Pope John-Paul II, the local Bishop and the Parish priest.
On each of the 12 beads that follow, these representing the 12 stars on Our Lady's Crown, say 1 "Hail Mary" followed by the following invocations.
"Our Lady, Star of the Sea,
help and protect us!"
"Sweet Mother,
I place this cause in your hand."