Contact Us — Abbey Vocations

Contact the Abbey Vocations Team

Thank you for your interest in Saint John's Abbey!

Our Vocations Team is happy to discuss any vocation questions you may have, and we offer guidance and support whenever we can. Discerning a possible vocation to religious life naturally involves many questions, and we’re here to help. Use the contact information below to get in touch with us, and we’ll do our best to answer you in a timely manner.

Meet the Vocation Discernment Team

Saint John’s Abbey welcomes baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic men, ages 18-43, who desire to pray every day, who want to live in community, who want to deepen their love of Sacred Scriptures, who are no strangers to hard work, and who love learning.  We seek men with initiative, and we require that they be of sound physical and emotional health.

If you sense that God is inviting you to consider monastic life, we encourage you to contact us.

Requirements for vocation visitors:

  • Baptized and confirmed Roman Catholic men

  • Between the ages of 18 and 43

  • Of sound physical and emotional health

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